Sen. Josh Hawley Rails Against Porn and Video Games

josh hawley porn video games

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) is stirring the pot this week after statements made regarding men and their relationship to porn and video games.

Speaking at the National Conservatism conference over the weekend in Orlando, Florida, Hawley discussed the idea of “toxic masculinity.” He expressed a concern that the idea of toxic masculinity, often alligned with liberal politics, is harming men.

“They want to define the traditional masculine virtues — things like courage, and independence, and assertiveness — as a danger to society,” Hawley said.

“And they have had alarming success,” he continued. “American men are working less, getting married in fewer numbers; they’re fathering fewer children. They are suffering more anxiety and depression. They are engaging in more substance abuse.”

Next, Hawley dropped his now controversial porn and video games bomb.

“Can we be surprised that after years of being told they are the problem ― that their manhood is the problem ― more and more men are withdrawing into the enclave of idleness, and pornography, and video games?” he asked.

Now there are only a couple of ways to go here. Either Hawley super digs porn, or Hawley super digs porn games. Somewhere in all of this melodrama must harbor some hypocrisy often found in zealots. Tell me I’m right, bro.

Others on Twitter seem to agree with my synopsis of the situation. Because, I’m really super smart, bro.

Now we can’t confirm that Hawley is a fan of our free porn games library. But we can confirm that we think he is, or he would be, or something like that. I also feel I’m the best gamer journalist ever and that might be toxic in and of itself.

But hey, who is reading? Just a bunch of you untoxic unmasculine bros who dig them some porn games.