Your Girlfriend Catches You Playing Porn Games. Now What?

playing games

Maybe it has already happened.

It could happen (no maybe at all).

You’re cruising along on your iPhone, rocking out to some sexy mobile porn games. When suddenly, over your shoulder, she appears.

And you’re caught.

Your next move determines everything.

Here’s a list of things to do, and not do, when/if your girlfriend catches you playing porn games.

First, as a preface, you should use a VPN when you play porn games to prevent your ISP and nefarious characters from seeing your history and activity. They want to sell you ads, or worse. This is the best VPN around, but there are many. Learn what a VPN is if you don’t know already.

But a VPN doesn’t help you all too much with your creeping girlfriend situation.

Let’s begin with what NOT to do.

Don’t Freak or Get Defensive

couple arguing

Maybe she’s been over your shoulder for a full minute while you toggled away at some outrageous hentai porn game action. Maybe it was Fap CEO and you were directing a company as the big dick CEO.

Whatever the case, the moment you realize your porn game lust is outted you will feel pulses of adrenaline and fear course through your veins.

You need to immediately catch yourself and remain calm. Don’t throw your iPhone across the room. Don’t yell at her. Don’t pretend you were watching Seinfeld episodes. Don’t tell her you were hacked and have no idea how to get this immoral content off your phone.

The more you freak, the more of freak she’ll assume you are. The more defensive you get, the more she’ll believe you’ve been perving for a long time. The more anxious you appear, the more she’ll think your freak flag flies super high.

You must keep it together. It’s imperative that you’re calm and cool during the porn game discovery. Remember, 10s of millions of bros watch porn online. That said, 77 percent of women claim they’ve never watched porn. There’s a clear disconnect, but you aren’t alone in what you’re doing. And she knows that.

Take some breaths. You’re caught. You can’t get out of it no matter how much you try to explain to her that she didn’t see what she certainly did see. Your pervishness is exposed, that’s where this game starts. Accept it and move towards a solution.

Own It

A lot of people don’t love this part of the advice. But it is essential. Unless you believe she didn’t fully see the porn game, you need to own it.

Denying it will just make you look more guilty. So own it.

“So you play porn games?”

“Sure, sometimes.”

Do you see how much better that sounds than freaking out?

She’s mad, she’s going to be mad, but you neutralize and disarm her when you simply own the activity. Remember, she’s probably never mentioned anything about a disdain for playing porn games. You have no relationship rules involving porn games. Sure, it looks bad, but its not as bad as you think unless you make it bad. So don’t make it bad.

When you own it, you bring the fight to a place she doesn’t expect. She expects your denial. Because within your denial, she builds a case that you’re also participating in more egregious sexual activity, such as cheating. When you own it, it is what it is.

Explain Porn Games To Her (Entice Her)

You won’t believe this. But what if I told you that what feels like your worst moment could be your best? Opportunity may be knocking, are you willing to answer the door?

Yes, what I’m conveying is that the door is now open for some pretty erotic discussions.

If she keeps fighting with you, ask her if she’d like to play a game with you. You want to get her involved, because if you can, the sexy time meter will explode.

Explaining that playing erotic games is fun is better than pretending you weren’t playing them. You are further owning the actions. And simultaneously, you’re enticing her to join you.

Remember, most girlfriends feel detached from their lovers. She’s probably more mad that you are directing your attention at a porn game rather than her than she is that you simply play porn games. When you encourage her to join you, you alleviate that pain point.

You convey to her that you are down for some erotic fun with her, which is probably what she wants. She desires some attention and sexual play. Now you can deliver.

Porn games can help couples connect in the same way that sex games do. While porn games aren’t strip Yatze, they do serve a similar function. They get you talking about erotic interests, which opens up lines of communication.

And let’s be honest, how cool would it be to exchange handjobs while each plays a porn game?

See, getting caught playing porn games isn’t so bad afterall. Sometimes, you need to make the best of a situation. And in this case, making the best of a situation could serve as a major upgrade to your sex life.