Sunshine Love - Ch2

In Sunshine Love - Ch2, you aspire to be a trial lawyer like Nicole, your longtime lover of five years, and are a rising junior associate at a prestigious legal firm. However, that goal is put on hold when your sister phones you out of the blue to ask for your help in saving her hotel business and to give you a job in Sunshine Bay for this summer. Your girlfriend Nicole is waiting on you to generate some money to pay off your apartment's mortgage and return home after summer is over! You'll have to choose between two or more options throughout the story, and the results of your choices will impact your connections with other characters and the overall plot. There will be a slew of supporting characters, some of whom you can date if you so desire.



FLASH Pimp Quest

Pimp Quest

"Pimpin' ain't easy" - truer words have never been said, and that statement couldn't possibly ring any more true for the hero in the game Pimp's Quest. Don't think that just because this is a video game it's going to be easy, either... sure, it might be a little easier than being a pimp in real life, but it stll definitely will not be easy! We don't know what the deal is in this city, if this pimp is just wildly successful and everyone else is jealous or what, but whatever it is as the cause, the people of this city seem to be hell bent on taking him out. Even something just as simple as this pimp walking down the sidewalk is something of pure chaos - as she walks along, this poor guy is stuck dealing with psychos pushing out and dropping heavy objects from high up windows like anvils and safes, with them whizzing past him left and right threatening to turn him into a puddle of messy goo on the pavement if one manages to hit him. So, your job as the player here is going to be to keep this pimp safe - though if you're going to keep him safe from all of those heavy objects raining down, then you're going to need to have some really quick reflexes going on. In order to achieve this, you will need to use the arrow keys on your keyboard to quickly and safely move the pimp out of the way from what other wise would almost certainly be an instant and quick death. Speed is of the essence though - there is just a very short window of opportunity in which you must react, so it is essential that you keep your fingers on the ready, resting right on the arrows keys, ready to quickly dodge at just the right moment. And if you thought that was tough enough, well, it's not the only hazard this poor pimp is stuck facing - he's also got lots of rival pimps jealous of his success that want to see him dead - which leaves him no choice other than to keep a gun on his person at all times as well - and that's not just for show either, you'll need to use it to keep this pimp alive and kicking! To shoot these rival pimps and other unsavory types like gang members attacking you, you will need to move around the cursor with your mouse (or your finger, if you're using a touch enabled device such as a phone or a tablet) to aim at your victim, and then tap your finger or click the left mouse button to shoot off your gun - but as it is with dodging the dangers in other parts of Pimp's Quest, you will also need to have quick reflexes and actions to get your shot off first, before their bullets end up hitting you. A challenging game, but a highly rewarding one at that - highly recommended!