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Jessie's Redemption

Have you ever wanted to play as a lawyer in a video game? Okay, maybe not - on it's own, it might not make for a very enjoyable game - but in the case of Jessie's Redemption, which offers you ample amounts of nudity and hot and steamy sex, it's a totally winning combination. There's a girl named Jessie, who is a well known rock star - and like most rock stars, she's a well documented party animal. She's found herself on trial once again, for the usual crazed and feeling invincible rock star behavior of drug posession and trashing hotel rooms. Jessie is plain and simple, absolute female perfection - during the trial, you're often finding your mind wandering away from the situation at hand as it devolves into day dreams about all the things that you would love to do to her and with her. At one point it seems like she notices what you're up to, and flashes a flirtatious gaze in your direction, but you write it off as nothing. After all, you spent all of those years in law school, and took on a sizable amount of student debt in order to get where you are today - and you still haven't even finished paying off the loans from years ago. You have a code of ethics that has been instilled into you by your time in school - it would be a conflict of interest to get involved with the defendant, and it could cause you to get debarred by the state, meaning your career in law is dead in the water. You keep telling yourself that you can resist her, and for a while, you had been doing just fine at that. However, things are about to get much harder, when Jessie stops by your office, looking to get some legal advice out of you about her current situation. It's plainly obvious that a girl like her is more than a little bit familiar with the huge amount of power that she wields over men thanks to her looks, and she quite often uses this to her advantage - after all, if you could do it too, wouldn't you? It's plain to see that she wants something out of you - and on the other side of that coin, she knows damn well that you want something out of her too, quite badly - she'll be more than willing to offer up her oh so fucking sexy body to you if you're willing to help her out with her situation... what will you do?



FLASH Teen Rebecca

Teen Rebecca

As a member of the school's cheerleading squad, Rebecca is a drop dead gorgeous barely legal hottie, and literally each and every guy that she meets wants her - guys in school with her as well as ample amounts of older men attracted to her busty and curvy teenage body. As happy and perfect as her life seems to outside observers, back at home, there's a bit of turmoil - namely, her dad is a bit of an impulsive gambler, and he's deeply in debt. A wealthy stud who's been eyeing her up from a distance as of late finds out about this fact, and realizes he's got himself a golden opportunity to get with Rebecca. He offers her father to pay off all of his debts for him - but, of course, there's a price to this - he wants his daughter, and he wants to knock her up, and have her pop out his child from her wide, child bearing hips. The father feels a bit conflicted about pimping out his daughter like that, naturally, but knowing he'll never be able to settle his debts on his own, he agrees to the arrangement. The wealthy guy, wanting to ensure his success, proceeds to pump young Rebecca full of fertility pills - and now he's ready to slip his big thick prick into her barely legal virgin cunt. To play the game, follow the on screen prompts to start having sex with Rebecca, letting you have her suck your cock, get tit fucked, get fucked in multiple positions, and more. Once you're ready to erupt, make sure to leave your cock balls deep inside of her no longer virgin hole and empty every last drop of your hot and sticky cum inside of her, and leave it nice and deep in there - you need her to get pregnant, so you can't have any of that cum leaking back out from her!