Hot Dawn

Hot Dawn



FLASH The Iron Giant 2

The Iron Giant 2

This game will have you playing in the shoes of a guy who goes by the name of Hogarth. He's the pilot of a giant robot that his highly intelligent self created by hand, using it largely for fun most of the time, but when it calls for it, he always rises to the call and uses his giant mech to save his homeland from any and all threats it encounters. Well, at least, that was his plan with it... right now, at the moment it's just sitting around, badly damaged - leaving it with no capabilities to be piloted and used for fun or defense. Hogarth is going to need to raise up some fundy to be able to repair his robot - but, when you're a young guy, that's easier said than done... not only is he too young to get a job of his own, he also is lacking much of anything of much value, in terms of posessions of his that he could sell off to get a quick bit of cash. But, as we said before, Hogarth is highly intelligent, and he's already thought of something - his mom! No, he's not going to ask her for the money, he's a big boy now and he's better than that. But, he does know damn well how much all of the other guys in his town love his mom - and with a smoking hot face and curves in all of the right places, really, who wouldn't? So, he figures he'll snap some nude photos of her without her knowing it, and then sell those off to all of the many many townsfolk who lust after her hot body. With this, he should have the money needed to get the parts and tools to fix up his robot in no time at all! When you play this game you'll have to play through periodic mini games in which you will be tasked with snapping the photos you need of her - move the cursor on the right of the screen towards her, and then click and hold to tug on your big hard cock. You need to be sure to be careful and paying attention when you do it though - keep an eye on what she's doing beacuse periodically she'll turn around and look your way. When she does this, you'll have to immediately stop playing with yourself and hide just out of sight. If you are unfortunate enough to get caught by her, then that's it for you - it's an instant game over and you'll have to start all over from the beginning. When you are at a point in the game where there is an opportunity to snap one of the photos that you need, a camera frame will appear in the lower right corner, and you'll have to be quick to get your picture when it is most clearly in focus. A top notch XXX title that is tons of fun to play and also super fucking hot - you definitely, definitely will want to be giving this game a try!