Ahsoka in Exxxile

You've managed to perform a Sith ritual on Ahsoka to turn her into your slave in this Star Wars parody game. You can't completely subdue her because her will is simply too powerful. In the morning, you can send Ahsoka to earn credits, which you can use to purchase new stuff, and at night, you can corrupt her. However, corruption is the fun part. That's where you get to see how far she's willing to go to make you happy.



FLASH Diseased


Something is very, very wrong as of late in your town. What it is and what is causing it, no one is really sure about. It has been a major and devastating plauge spreading like wildfire, with no knonw cure, or even any way to slow down the process. And the effects of this disease are as horrible as you could possibly imagine - first, the disease quickly infects your entire body, spreading rapidly as it wreaks havoc on your body, causing your organs to fail in short order. After infection you'll quickly be showing symptoms - and then you will be quickly led into the arms of death - but to be totally honest, death would be a better alternative to the next stage of the disease. In the final stage of the disease, you are for all intents and purposes, dead, so to speak - but your body still remains as you come back to 'life' - reanimated as a mindless zombie. At this stage you are nothing but a mere shell of your former self, acting purely on one sole instinct - to feast on flesh! However though, while all of these zombies yearn for flesh, some of them yearn for it in different ways - some want to take the traditional zombie route, and use flesh as feed, biting into a victim and feasting on their entrails as they rip them to shreds. Others though, their desire for flesh is a bit different - they don't want to eat it, they simply just want to enjoy some pleasures of the flesh! Expect to see some truly wild and crazy XXX sex in this game between humans and zombies. A highly enjoyable and addictive game, it's also quite easy to play as well. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move your character around on the screen. Space bar will allow you to fire your weapon. If you find yourself totally stuck somewhere and would like to just start the game over fresh from the beginning, you can press the Z key on our keyboard to reload the game which will reset it back to the title screen.